Community Reinvestment: Giving
We believe reinvesting in the communities we serve is as important as the products and services we provide. Giving is one of our company’s nine core principles and one we’ll always stand behind. Together we make a difference. We encourage others to live generously and pay it forward.
Our Promise
Each employee, client and community member has been the fiber of our success and the reason we can continue to reinvest 10 percent of the bank's pre-tax income back into the communities. The reinvestment is made in the form of sponsorships, grants to local nonprofits and educating our local youth through our financial literacy efforts. It takes many hands to make a great community and a great company – we promise to continue to do our part for both!
Key Focus Areas
We align our community reinvestment activity toward community organizations who are striving to improve an array of needs in our community through:
- Financial literacy resources
- Economic development and revitalization
- Affordable housing
- Social, civic and human services
- Youth and faith-based opportunities
- Community cultural development
Financial Wellness Resources
We're dedicated to financial wellness and serve as a resource to help families handle decisions concerning the economy, education and most importantly, personal finance. Read more about our financial literacy efforts here.
Economic Development and Revitalization
We believe our communities are only as strong as our small businesses. Our local economies help employ our neighbors and families and keep main street strong. We love to work with those who help local businesses start, grow and create jobs. Investing in main street programs, economic development corporations and sustaining REV, The Bank of Tioga’s pitch competition for startup business, are a few ways we help retain community growth. Read more about REV here.
Affordable Housing
Access to stable, workforce ready and affordable housing are needs in each of our markets and any vibrant community. It is our desire to collaborate with organizations who can help remove barriers and increase opportunities for those in need of quality, affordable housing.
Social, Civic and Human Services
We have the desire to help each individual and family build a healthy and thriving life by collaborating with organizations in social and human services as well as civic nonprofits who cultivate change. Other needs such as affordable daycare and transportation accessibility are also quality of life essentials for a vibrant community.
Youth and Faith-Based Opportunities
To make an impact on our young people and help enrich their mind, body and soul is of upmost importance to The Bank of Tioga.
Community Cultural Development
We are committed to collaborating with organizations who help enhance unique quality of life amenities including culture, arts and entertainment in our various communities.
Additionally, we pride ourselves in sharing resources with our local nonprofit organizations, leaders and board of directors. Be sure to ask about our nonprofit services and read about those looking to do more with their gift for generation through business banking team and TS Prosperity Group.

Examples of Community Partnerships
TBOT Promise
Middle and high school students in North Dakota have filed into gymnasiums and auditoriums to hear from speakers who educate, inspire and empower through The Bank of Tioga Promise. Additionally, an evening youth rally compliments the school visits where speakers can tell more of their story. Each speaker has used their unique talents to reach students and the Bank of Tioga sponsors this in an effort to give back to the community.
Tri-County Helping Hands
Helping those most vulnerable in our communities is important to The Bank of Tioga. Since 2016, The Bank of Tioga has donated more than $10,000 toward the Tri-County Helping Hands Ministerial Fund, which is used to help those in need in the local community with utilities bills, transportation and other immediate needs.
Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota
Local residents in Tioga have benefitted by the bank’s partnership with Lutheran Local Services of North Dakota (LSSND) to help proved affordable rental housing for seniors and families. LSSND vision is to provide services and tools needed to assist all people of North Dakota to build health and thriving families. Since 2017, The Bank of Tioga has donated $40,000 to affordable housing efforts.
Small Businesses Gap Financing
In early 2020, The Bank of Tioga participated in the SBA PPP Program and helped protect paychecks. Working with the Tioga Area and Crosby Area Economic Development Corporations and Chambers is also a way to sustain community growth.
Community Grants
Community grants are funded on a budgeted basis on October 30th of each year. Our first preference is given to the following areas:
- Youth activities through community* organizations
- Charitable organizations serving communities in which bank employees serve in leadership
- Organizations that have or are developing a banking relationship with The Bank of Tioga
- Faith based organizations and heart-felt gifts
- Community services for low to moderate-income families as well as geographies above 50 percent free and reduced school lunch program
*The community, for giving back, is defined as the market area where The Bank of Tioga's branches are located.
How do I request a grant from The Bank of Tioga?
A small fund is set aside for new requests that qualify and are distributed on a first come, first serve basis during the fiscal year. To be considered, applications for the fiscal year (July-June) need to be submitted by May 15.
Download grant request form
"When you drink from the well, remember the well digger." – Chinese Proverb